金曜日, 7月 16, 2010

【Google App Engine】 本当は怖いGDataAPI



 ちょっと前になるが、Andreiさんという方からGDataAPIに関する質問をいただいた。彼は、reflexworksで公開している非同期GData APIを利用してくれている方で、これをきっかけに情報交換させていただいている。

 Hello, we discussed a few weeks ago about a problem regarding google docs api and google app engine timeout for requests taking more than 5 seconds.
First, I want to thank you for your response.
But these last few days it seamed that google started having more problems (besides internal error when requesting docs, unable to open some pdfs, or 404 on download link, etc), one of them was about searching documents with full-text queries (example: setFullTextQuery("search text here") and setFullTextQuery("\"search text here\"")
This pb has a very negative effect on my app, because it depends on it for proving some services.

I have posted the issue here http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/apps-apis/thread?tid=0c69762a67a02b28&hl=en with a few more details, but no relevant responses were given.
I don't know if it was a programmatic error from my app (i was certain that it was not), or a temporary gdata api problem, or major things are happening with google (docs) infrastructure.

At least an advice would be good...

Thank you.



 サービスリリース後にAPIの挙動が変わるのは本当に困る。普通はテストした後でフレームワークやライブラリの変更はしないでしょ!? もし、そんなことをしたら袋叩きに合ってもおかしくない、というのが開発現場の常識である。


 今年の4月に開催された、Google TechTalk Tokyo 2010 Springというイベントで実際にGoogleの方に質問できる機会があったので、思い切って質問してみた。






 今月(7月)になって、Googleドキュメントの更新ができなくなるという問題が発生した。POSTで新規の文書を作ることは可能だがPUTでそれを更新しようとすると、「Could not convert document.」となってエラーが返ってくる。
ISSUE 2061



(Issue 2023については、Google Docsのチームは、”This is currently our number one priority” で対応しているとのことです)。

Rainbow Note - Googleドキュメントとの同期エラーについて


Is there any status on this? It's been over a week that the new Google Document interface has had a number of issues exporting and updating documents. Perhaps someone should consider pulling the functionality until this is resolved?

This is a major issue that's affecting my customers workflows and many other products that also leverage Google Doc's. It's a real shame that Google does not open this functionality to developers FIRST as a beta BEFORE opening it to the whole world. This would help flush out issues like this quickly before customers experience issues and then start questiniong the stability/reliable of Google and the third-party products they are using.

This is also a disservice to Google since I've been telling my customers to switch back to the old Google Doc interface. I suspect many will question switching to the new interface until v2.0 editor (which is cool) has baked in for a while.

ISSUE 2166

We don't switch our customers from ver 2. We have stopped recommending Google Docs altogether.

Most of our new clients sign up to Zoho. Zoho is better because their apps work smoothly, they fix problems and they provide support.

Google Apps & Documents is just not professional. It still looks clumsy, and the back-end is buggy.

Google run it like it is still beta, but they are charging for it. They knew of these ver 2 export bugs in April, but they still went and launched the new features.

ISSUE 2166


 Googleは当事者でありながら何のリスクを取らない。なんとも癪に障る話だが、GoogleはせめてAPIのスキーマを細かくバージョン管理して、各バージョンごとに少なくとも1年間は安全に使えるといったような提供の仕方をしてくれないだろうか。SLAを定めるのは結構だけれども、満たせなかったら損害分のリスクを取ってもらわないと困るし、利用料を割引しますぐらいの程度であれば意味がないと思う。App Engine for Businessが同じノリだったら本当にガッカリである。

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